Sharing is Caring

Enabling Code Reuse for Backbone Models

Todd Kennedy / @whale_eat_squid
Tech Lead, Condé Nast Traveler

The Two Rules of Software Fight Club

borrowed from

Lets Face It...We're Lazy

But that's why we became programmers. Why do something over and over again when you can just write a small shell script to do it for you?

Hate That New Github Redesign?

function pr (){

    # are we in a git repo?
    GIT_BRANCH=$(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/^\*/s/^\* //p')
    if ! git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
        echo "You're not in a git repo..."
        return 0

    GIT_REPO_NAME=$(basename `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`)

    # make the pull request and get the ID
    PULL_URL=$(git pull-request "${ARGS[0]}" -b CondeNast:development -h CondeNast:$GIT_BRANCH)
    echo "Pull request made: $PULL_URL"
    PULL_ID=$(echo $PULL_URL | cut -d/ -f 7)

My First Introduction to DRY

	Pi = 3.14;

#define PI 3.14;

public static final float PI = 3.14;

So what's this Backbone Thing?

But I still have to maintain models twice...

class Post(SQLObject):
    body = UnicodeCol()
    author = ForeignKey('users')
    posted_on = DateTimeCol(
    created_on = DateTimeCol(
    tags = RelatedJoin('tag')

var Post = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        body: "",
        author: 0,
        posted_on: (new Date).toString(),
        created_on: (new Date).toString(),
        tags: []

But Client/Server Sharing is Difficult!

Ask my three year old if you can play with his cars, and you'll see why we so don't share a lot of code between the client and the server end.

It's almost like we speak a different language...

Ohai Node!

And yes, I am old enough to remember Netscape LiveWire and the insane <server> tag...

Now That We're on the Same Page

Lets start sharing code so we can stop repeating ourselves.

Models seems like a great place to start, right? We're going to need two things in order to make this work:

  1. A new Backbone.Sync method we can use on the server end
  2. A method of knowing which environment we're in

Luckily Backbone.Sync is Designed for this

Backbone.Sync has a very easy signature to replace:

Backbone.Sync = function(method, model, options);

So we need to take that signature and just write it so it reads/writes from the datastore. For a DB interface, we'll use MongoJS

And since it returns a jQuery $.Deferred on the front end, we'll make this "less surprises" and give you back a `then`-able promise from Q.

Stub Out Module...

function mongo_sync(server, collection){
	return function (method, model, options){
		var mongojs = require('mongojs');
		var q = require('q');
		var deferred = q.defer();
		var db = mongojs(server)

		return d.promise;

Switch since, well, I'm Lazy

    case 'create':
    case 'update':
    case 'patch':
    case 'delete':
    case 'read':

Add in a Generic callback...

var callback = function(err, results){
	} else {
		if(results === 1){
		} else {

Create, Update, Patch and Delete

case 'create':
	collection.insert(model.toJSON(), {safe: true}, callback);
case 'update':
case 'patch':, callback);
case 'delete':
	collection.remove(model.toJSON(), callback);

Read is a Little More Complex

case 'read':
	var _id = model.get('_id');
	var query_params = {};
	if (_id) {
	  query_params._id = mongojs.ObjectId(_id);
	} else {
	  d.reject(new Error('You must provide an _id to lookup'));
	collection.find(query_params, db_callback);
	d.reject(new Error('Unimplemented'));

A Word of Caution

You might have noticed this specifically doesn't think about collections.

That is an exercise left up to the reader.

We're Almost Home

Now onto number two: determining environment. There are a couple of things we need to consider for this:

  • Is process available?
  • Is exports available?
  • If we expect Browserify to work, we need to check process.browser as well

Attach the Sync on the Server

if(typeof process !== 'undefined' &&
   !process.browser &&
   typeof exports !== 'undefined'){
    Backbone.sync = mongosync(server, collection)

Don't forget: we need to make sure the sync method gets the datastore configuration!

And Use that to Return a Custom Model

module.exports = function(server, collection){
	if(typeof process !== 'undefined' &&
   	   !process.browser &&
   	   typeof exports !== 'undefined'){
    	Backbone.sync = mongosync(server, collection);

	return Backbone.Model.extend({idAttribute: '_id'});


It's live in NPM and Bower!


npm install mongosync
bower install mongosync

Browserify, RequireJS and CommonJS aware!

Thank you!

Todd Kennedy